Surveys for TV: the Cathedral of Amalfi

“The best solution to all the problems is patience “Study and research, dedication and application to push our work have always been the key to our success! The challenge was to reproduce any building as truthfully as possible in its dimensions. A result that was not obvious to achieve, in fact even though the Laser Scanner technology was created the software support related to this type of instrumentation put on the market results that were not acceptable to us. In short, it was not possible to work that way for perfection maniacs like us! So in order to achieve the best result, it was necessary to create by ourselves a software capable of being able to make the experience real, that is, to seem to be able to touch the building by hand or walk through it and know exactly the height or position of every element that is part of that surveyed building. This is how the software developed entirely in the GESI studio was born: Cloud Designer!

The Amalfi Coast is a wonder to the eyes but it is not only rich in art and culture! Amalfi is the town that consecrates so much beauty by giving its name to our world-famous coastline, so much so that its fame is often featured on TV. As early as last October Amalfi is at the focus of the last episode of the famous docu-series “Ulysses, the pleasure of discovery,” Alberto Angela with his show has made so many of the Neapolitan beauties famous that on May 15, 2018, following a large mobilization started via the web in 2015, he was conferred the honorary citizenship of the municipality of Naples, the same honor was then offered to him, on October 9, 2018, by the municipality of Pompeii. In these days he has returned to Piazza Duomo to shoot his next documentary TV series entitled “Wonders.” The first episode will be “the Peninsula of Treasures” and the protagonist of the first episode will be our beloved Amalfi Cathedral, the airing of the new series will usher in 2019 starting in January.

The history of the cathedral, however, is quite unique since it has changed over the years, particularly its facade. In fact, Amalfi Cathedral, also known as St. Andrew’s Cathedral, was erected in 987 next to a pre-existing church. Later, the two churches were merged, forming a single Romanesque-style building with six naves. Additional works were made between the 16th c. and the 18th c. In 1861, due to a strong wind, a section of the crowning of the outer facade collapsed in on itself and on the atrium below. At that point, a deeper intervention than simple restoration became necessary, so the mayor decided to renovate the exterior facade. The Council of Fine Arts was entrusted with the renovation. Wishing to eliminate from the memory of fellow citizens the tragic event, the mayor decided to restore the facade of the cathedral to its original magnificence, removing the Renaissance and Baroque layers present at the time of the disaster. In 2016 we were commissioned by a local architect to carry out a survey of the main facade to facilitate its restoration work. We made use of our Z+F 5006h Laser Scanner to carry out this measurement.

We have been operating in the field for over 5 years, besides being our additional field of work, Laser Scanner is a passion for us! From this and the maniacal perfection we aim to achieve, Ciro 13 was born, our super robot!

Our long-term research and development enabled us to calibrate the cameras ourselves and choose the most suitable optics by conducting accuracy tests before carrying out a Laser Scanner Survey Campaign. The results we were mostly seeing around on the web did not meet our aesthetic standards in the rendering of the drawings, which is why Cloud Designer was born-our real strength! A software entirely made by us for Laser Scanner data management. In this way we achieved results that until then had never been seen on the market and in some cases still fall short of our standards today.

Our Laser Scanner Surveys have always had a deep vocation for buildings of historical interest, for structures with tapered or irregular outlines, for environments on which to compose restoration and recovery projects. In short, our Laser Scanner Surveys have always been used for design, for the calculation of material movements, for as-built (determination of the state of construction), for the determination of the state of the sites, for the reconstruction of crack paintings.

Our work allows us to interact with what we have most fascinating in our country: culture and art. We have come across many surveys done some in the middle of the city center where it is difficult to handle the passing of people or cars that may interfere with or slow down the surveying process, and others used for future renovation or restoration work. These are some of the most recent: the Capitol cinema in Bologna, Diga di Muro Lucano in Potenza, the Monte Pergola Gallery in Avellino, two buildings in Milan city, one in Via Mazzini and the other in Via Ponte Seveso.

In addition to satisfy the customer, our works must even first fully center our technical and aesthetic standards. This is the must of the entire GESI company and all its staff!