Developing Solutions in the Topographical Field

In the course of time we have developed solutions in the shape of accessories, tools and algorithms to optimize our performance, sometimes being ahead of the market. Here are some examples.


Overview Head

We have developed and produced a panoramic view head so that it complements the Panoramic Head we already have. This new panoramic head also allows use with cameras generally not supported by the Heads on the market.


Targets and Sights

We have prototyped and developed several targets and sights which are useful in Laser Scanner surveys and Total Station surveys in reflectorless mode.


Within the framework of Geodetic Networks, we prototyped a crown for the cornerstones so that they have better visibility, better walkability and labeling of the known point by embossed lettering.

Photo Adapters

We have developed and produced photographic adapters that do not exist in the market so that more accurate optics and higher performance machines can be used in conjunction with Laser Scanner Survey campaigns and Terrestrial Photogrammetry techniques.

Algorithms and Software

Topographical Surveys

We have developed various processes in order to maintain the possibility of keep using the old school methods with the new instrumentation.

GPS Surveys

With the help of some algorithms we have developed we can start a GPS campaign without having any restriction on the positioning of the reference station.

With at least one known point surveyed we would be able to geo-reference the survey without consistency checks, as most software would do; by measuring at least 3 points instead, a mean square deviation analysis is possible. This makes it possible to link the different GPS campaigns and get the best union by correcting the accuracy errors typical of GPS. As a matter of fact, it must be remembered that GPS is a very precise instrument but not as accurate as precise, which means that the GPS data contains an accuracy error that must be smoothed out or made uniform.

Laser Scanner Surveys

Thanks to a Development and Research that lasted for months, algorithms covering all areas of Laser Scanner surveying (registration, coloring, filtering, positioning) were fully developed, to the point where a software of our own production was born: Cloud Designer. There are at least 16 reasons why we developed Cloud Designer.