GESI is multitasking!

January has always been the month of innovations, we restarted with a new site and many great projects! GESI can be defined as a multitasking company: we operate in various fields, last year we accepted lot of challenges.

Let’s analyze our topographical field, accounting improvements made in our home sector.

We improved photografic details of our Laser Scanner campaigns, deciding to just use Zeiss lens featuring tight field of vision. This enables smaller cones, resulting in better shadows and lights.

Few months ago we started using our CIRo 13 robot, it enables us to shot many pictures with a really favourable overlapping angle in order to improve our results. Our first project with the new robot was Monte Pergola Tunnel, where we got a really good result even with poor lighting.

Measured data is traveling at light speed by using our new Cloud, where we securely store our collected data.

In last year we worked with public and private entities, our surveys are being used in many projects, even for fire prevention plans to be used by an important national company.

We even provided with survey of Monte S.Angelo area, the hill where University Federico II lies down.

We did lots of things lately!
We even managed geospatial databases for an important airport company and made surveys for airport parkings, also we had one month long surveying experience in one of most luxury-based private parks in Italy.

We are really active in other fields too and we do care about internal Search & Development: we managed to develop a laser-based method for Angular Instrument Calibration. and we developed IT assets for industrial automation and eCommerce workflow improvements.

This year we even boosted up our internet provided services by opening another point in Turingia, Germany, then we put our flag even in Canada, opening there a new point from which our services can be provided.

Our experience on self services Cloud-based made us brew packages for external customers, so that now we offer Cloud services for thirdy parties customers.

Even our data grew a lot, so that we had the needing to expand our NAS to 16TB.

We had a lot of experiences with NAS systems, and we do offer this kind of machine to third parties customers, enabling them to have daily backups and move along them as they own a time machine.

In the last quarter we’ve been also busy in improving our network infrastructure here in our office: we’ve got a new star cabling, new anti theft system.
A part of our internal network is already flowing by 10Gb/s!

This article just covers a little part of what happened during the last year.
We love to share the good things we think, study and do in order to search the best quality for our services.

That’s not all: we started a new project in the field of manufacturing and we hope it will contribute to make 2019 great.