GESI flying high

We have been a bit out of the stage these past few months, but we are sure you will forgive us for this short break! We were hard at work improving services in our city. The story of these past few months has taught us that working professionally and passionately always pays off to the point of flying high!

In September 2018, we at GESI were commissioned to take over the Sant’Arsenio landfill, which is the subject of a remediation project, a type of work that we have encountered several times over the years, having taken over areas subject to remediation several times.  The remediation works in the municipality of Sant’Arsenio were made possible thanks to the funding of 1 million and 63 thousand euros by executive decree allocated by the Campania Region for the redevelopment of the following areas: complete demolition and reconstruction of the decrepit structure south of the municipal theater “G. Amabile,” adaptation and arrangement of the municipal gymnasium, and finally the most critical one, the remediation of the landfill in the locality of Difesa. On the territory undergoing remediation, 2 of our operators worked continuously with GPS instrumentation. Our project will be used for the future installation of photovoltaic panels with 100% electricity production.

GESI likes to aim high, and that is exactly what we did! We found ourselves in a work that stimulated us a lot, unusual if compared to the scenarios we usually come across. We worked in downtown Naples, far from the green and fully immersed in the bustle of the city.

In October, in fact, we came across a job that took us in the truest sense of the word to high altitude! We were commissioned by the Campania Airport Services Management Company (GESAC) to survey an area in the airport. The target area is the “P1” parking zone, the long-stay parking, and a small area adjacent to the parking lot. Our topographic surveys will thus be used to optimize and increase the capacity of the parking area. The upgrading work has been necessary since the new ZTC parking regulations, better known as “kiss on the fly” were instituted. In this area it is possible to stay no longer than 10 minutes if you do not want to incur a hefty fine. We dealt with, as mentioned above, the P1 zone, the Low Cost area of the parking lot. Given the positive balance found last year regarding the 30% increase in passerby traffic, Gesac felt an adjustment was necessary. We ensured the execution of the project thanks to the accuracy and consistency of work execution by our staff consisting of 2 operators equipped with 3 GPS and Total Station.

What is left now is to implement the project so as to facilitate all passengers or companions a stress-free stop paying a price that is appropriate to the service. We are proud to have offered a service to our Naples, a developing city in terms of transportation and services. So we are happy to celebrate a future success that starts with a project of our own!